D*Face X Romance 'Miami' Evade

D*Face X Romance 'Miami' Evade
A true one-off piece of art - Specialized Evade helmet customised with Romance X D*Face collab artwork.
The prolific London-based street art icon D*Face got onboard with Romance to lend his instantly recognisable style usually seen adorning large buildings or gallery walls spanning the globe, and apply for this special project to the canvas of a cycling helmet and this cycling cap.
This project is supporting 5 different charities. Each helmet has one of the following charities assigned to it—The Trussell Trust, Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, Headway, Centre Point and Access Sport.
100% from the sale of this D*Face X Romance ‘Miami’ helmet will go direct to Access Sport, working to directly combat shocking levels of exclusion, hardship and poor health faced by millions of children in the UK Learn more here: accesssport.org.uk
‘Miami’ aqua gloss paint with D*Face x Romance artwork.
SIZE - Medium.
Only one of these helmets in existence - 1/1.
The helmet will be supplied with x1 DFace romance bomber cap and x1 DFace Pixel Cap plus a Romance tote bag.
*Please note - this Custom helmet is hand-painted - the may be minor imperfections and the finish may be more delicate than a “factory finish” helmet due to the nature of custom paint work.
This product is non-refundable